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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Roy Christopher Video Notes

Roy was introduced to working with the internet by a friend of his who had begun taking programming classes. He originally focused on BMX but he swithced his focus to web design.

Roy was named one of the 50 most influential people to the internet.
He refuses to have a smart phone because he saves money and like the exitement of having something to look forward to when he gets home. Such as checking Facebook or Email.
We are not obligated to use the latest technologies. Roy Christopher uses his bike as transportation instead an automobile. He prefers simple phones over smartphones, books over kindles.

The internet slowly started in the 1980's but really picked up during the 90's when he became involved.

Generations have always struggled with trusting the youth with new technology.
When he was our age the tv was the technology that the older generation was tourist to while he was native.

Is the medium no longer the message, just the medium?
Is there ever going to be an end? Or are we going to continue advancing to new technologies.
Roy Christopher felt that the internet and the current new technology will stay the "new thing" for a while.
He said he didn't think we will be around to see the end.


  1. Good summary/description of Roy-- which of his ideas about the Internet can you put into practice in a way that will help you?

  2. Roy Christopher said that we need to become familiar with the technology we are using so it doesn't take us over and control us instead of the other way around. I am currently learning more and more about the internet through our class discussions on this technology and also by managing my own blog. All this knowledge I am obtaining is familiarizing myself with the internet. This will help we control the technology and give me the ability to use it to my advantage.
